Saturday, March 2, 2013

How to Send a Song Via SMS

1. Open the 'Messaging' menu and select 'New Message' or 'New.' The messaging menu is found either in the main menu or the homescreen of the phone.
2. Select 'Options' from the lower menu when the new message window is open.
3. Go to 'Send File' or 'Add Attachment' and select 'Song' or 'Music.' A new menu with all the available songs on the device opens up.
4. Click on the song you want to send. The song is now added to the message.
5. Type any desired text and add the recipient. Click 'Send.' The message has been sent and the other user can open the file and listen to the song on their phone.

How to Change Verizon Phones for Free

1. First, you must log in to and type in your user ID and password. After you do, your personal profile page will pop up.
2. On your personal profile page, notice the section to the right labeled 'Quick Links.' Click on the 'Activate New Phone' tab.
3. You will now be on the 'Activate Phone' page. Now remove the back and battery from your new phone to find the ESN/MEID number listed inside. Enter the number where designated and click the 'Continue' button.
4. You will be navigated to a processing page and must wait until Verizon Wireless confirms that your new cell phone has been programmed. Put the battery back in and place the back on the phone. Turn it on and start talking!

How to Disable Facebook SMS Subscriptions

1. Text 'off' to Facebook to stop Facebook from sending any SMS notifications to your phone. Visit the Facebook Text Messages page to look up the number to which you must text 'off' to unsubscribe from all Facebook texts.
2. Turn off all Facebook texts by changing your mobile settings on Facebook. Click on 'Account Settings' in the Facebook 'Account' menu, and click the 'Mobile' tab. Turn texts off in the 'Facebook Text Messages' section.
3. Change your notification settings if you want to limit the types of SMS messages you receive. Click on 'Account Settings' in the 'Account' menu, and open the 'Notifications' tab. Check the items you want to receive SMS notifications about, and leave unchecked the items you do not want to receive texts for. For example, you can have Facebook send you SMS messages when someone sends you a private message or writes on your wall but not when people confirm your friend requests.
4. Text 'Unsubscribe' to disable SMS subscriptions to a single friend's status updates. Send the message when you receive a notification that that particular friend has posted a new status.

How to Send Free SMS Texts

1. Enter cell phone number of the recipient in the 'Phone number' field of the '' home page.
2. Enter your email address if desired.
3. Select the cell phone provider of the recipient if known. If the provider is not known click 'Look it up' to be taken to the lookup screen. Enter the first six digits of the mobile phone and the system will tell you what provider the recipient has.
4. Click 'Send It.' Your message will be sent to the recipient.

Friday, March 1, 2013

How to Get Free iTunes Songs Into Cell Phones

1. Open iTunes and select the song you want for your ring tone. Select the portion of the song you want to use and write down the start and stop times of the clip.
2. Right click the song title and click 'Get Info.' Then click 'Options.' Type in the start time in the text box labeled 'Start Time.' Enter the end time in the text box labeled 'End Box.' Your clip should be no more than 30 to 40 seconds long. Click 'OK.'
3. Right click song and click 'Conversion to AAC.' After the conversion is complete, right click the ringtone and select delete. Click 'Keep Files.'
4. Locate the file by selecting 'Start' from the desktop, then 'Music.' Select 'iTunes,' then 'iTunes Music' and find the file.
5. Replace the m4a file extention with m4r to make it a usable ringtone. Do this by right clicking on the file and selecting rename. Replace the ending with m4r. This will automatically add the file to the ringtone portion of your iTunes library.
6. Sync phone with iTunes library or right click 'Ringtone' and select 'Send to Phone.' Your new song will be ready for use on your cell phone.

How to Unlock a Cingular Motorola Phone for Free

1. Call Cingular and request the unlock code. You can reach Cingular by dialing '611' from your cell phone. Once customer service comes on the line, explain that you wish to use your phone with another service provider and that you need an unlock code for your Motorola handset. He or she will then file an unlock request with Motorola and e-mail the code to you within one to two days. The code is provided free of charge.
2. Place a non-Cingular SIM card into the phone and turn it on. You must use a SIM card from another carrier to prompt the phone to ask for the unlock code. If you are unlocking your phone before switching service providers (and thus do not have a new SIM card yet), ask a friend to briefly borrow his. Once the phone recognizes that a SIM card from another carrier is inside, a prompt will appear on the screen asking you to enter the SIM Subsidy Unlock Code.
3. Enter the unlock code. Take great care to enter the code exactly as provided. A message will appear onscreen confirming that the phone has successfully been unlocked.

How to Send a Free Text SMS Message to an O2 Phone

1. Access the Internet from your computer or cell phone if you have Internet capabilities set up. See References for online SMS messaging websites that send a free text message to an O2 cell phone.
2. Select a website of your choice. Read over the Terms of Service. Some websites may require you to register before sending a text message.
3. Search through the list of wireless providers to verify that O2 Wireless is an option on the list.
4. Fill out the designated form on the website to send your free text message.
5. Verify that you filled out the information correctly. Click 'Send Message' when complete. A confirmation page loads, stating your free text message was sent.