Saturday, April 20, 2013

How to Negotiate Discounts With a Cell Phone Provider

1. Ask questions about ending your existing contract. If a cellular provider senses that you are willing to leave your current service, it will do its best to offer you incentives to stay. Customer service representatives are required to make the effort to keep you as a valuable customer. Speak to the representative about other cellular providers and their current offers to see if your current provider tries to match those offers as best as possible.
2. Advise the representative that you are trying to cut costs and may have to eliminate the cellular service altogether. Most cell phone providers offer a discount to your monthly services or features during your tough economic times. It may not be a large amount offered, so don't think that you will get free service each month if you throw a temper tantrum and threaten to cancel. You must have tact when describing the reason you are thinking about canceling your service.
3. Advise the representative of the current issues you are experiencing with your cellular phone. If the phone is outdated and you need to upgrade your phone, ask if there is an additional discount that can be offered. Representatives that inform you that they cannot offer an additional incentive may not have the authority to do so. In this case, ask politely to speak to a manager and explain to them the reason you are asking for the discount. If you have a good customer record with an expired service contract, they will be more willing to accommodate your needs.
4. Ask about refurbished phones. Most cellular providers will offer you a refurbished phone at a lower price. You will not have to cancel your service contract and you will not have to pay full price for a brand new phone. This is a great way to save plenty of cash. Although you may have gotten your original phone at a great introductory price, it will not remain at that price in the future.
5. Get the complete name and identification number of each representative you speak with. Verify with them that any offer that was made to you will be thoroughly notated in your account. The next representative may not be able to offer you the same incentive without that documentation. Even if you do not get the discount you think you deserve, do not yell or get upset with the representative. Although you did not get the discount at that moment, there is still a good chance you will be able to at a later date.

How to Send Free Picture Messages From the Internet to a Mobile

1. Open your web browser and navigate to
2. Select the network provider and enter the phone number of the intended recipient.
3. Click on 'Choose file' to locate the image you want to send and then click on 'Send your picture message.'
4. Go to
5. Fill in the phone number of the recipient, choose their network provider and enter any message.
6. Go to the site's step four and click on 'Choose file' to upload your image.
7. Copy the security number to the box in step five and click on 'Send message(s).'
8. Navigate to
9. Select the recipient's country, their phone number and their service provider.
10. Enter a message and click on the screen icon to upload an image.
11. Select the desired desired image and click on 'Send message.'

Friday, April 19, 2013

How to Send an SMS Through the Internet for Free

Via Text Messaging Site
1. Navigate to an online free text messaging site (see References).
2. Enter the required information, such as your email address, country, recipient's phone carrier or subject line. Each free text provider requires slightly different information.
3. Enter recipient's mobile phone number and message to be sent.
4. Click the send option to send your SMS text message.
Via Email
5. Open your email account and create a new message.
6. Enter the SMS address of the recipient in the 'To' field. The SMS address will depend on the recipient's address and service provider. To determine the correct SMS address, visit the SMS address list link (see References).
7. Type the message you wish to send and send as you would an email. The message will be delivered in text message form to the recipient's cellphone.

How to Save Cell Phone Text Messages to a Printable File

On Android
The easiest platform for printing text messages is Android. Download the free SMS to Text application by SMeiTi and export the desired text messages to .txt format. This format can be read and printed by most computers. Once converted, plug the device into the desired computer, or simply use a wireless printer and print the messages directly using a wireless connection.
On Apple
When using an iPhone, a slightly more complex method is required to save and print text messages. Download Copytrans -- or any other similar program such as iPhone SMS Transfer Utility or iPhone Transfer SMS -- to your computer, and plug in your iPhone. Export and save the text messages to a printable format such as .txt or .pdf. Using standard printing methods, print the files straight from the computer which they were exported into.
Other Platforms
Other platforms -- such as BlackBerry, Windows or basic devices -- require specific methodology depending on the model of device. The general process is fairly consistent. Locate and download a program fitted to export text messages from your specific device into a print-friendly format. Once exported, use any preferred printing method to print the messages. Always be cautious to research a program before installing it when downloading any software that accesses a device's internal memory to avoid spyware or other malicious attacks.
Other Considerations
In the event that a log of which phone numbers sent and received text messages and when is needed rather than an actual copy of the conversation, contact your local service provider for a detailed printed report of the times, dates and phone numbers. Accessing or printing any SMS conversations from a device other than your own or that of an individual of whom you are the legal guardian can cause serious legal ramifications and should never be attempted, regardless of the circumstance or relation to the person or persons involved.

How to Add a Line to an ATT Phone for Free

1. Log into the AT&T Wireless website.
2. Click on 'Shop' on the bar at the top of the page.
3. Click 'Add a Line' in the left sidebar. Click 'Add a Line to My Account' on the next page to confirm.
4. Check the box next to 'Free Phones.'
5. Click on the phone you want.
6. Choose a rate plan and accessories for your new phone on the next page.
7. Click 'Checkout.' Fill out your shipping and billing information. The line will be added to your account for free and the phone will be shipped.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

How to Add Bluetooth to Yukon

1. Enter your GMC Yukon and turn on the ignition. Push the button on your dash with a photo of a phone on it. Scroll through the choices it offers until you get to the option allowing you to pair a new device with the Yukon.
2. Turn on your phone's Bluetooth location device. The location of this depends on the model of your cell phone. Refer to your phone's manual for assistance.
3. Select the option that allows your car to begin searching for Bluetooth devices. Once your Yukon locates your phone, the name of the car appears on your phone's screen and a number code appears on the dashboard screen of your Yukon. Enter the number onto the keypad of your phone and choose the 'Pair Devices' choice on your phone's screen.
4. Push 'OK' on your Yukon's dash when it asks if you are ready to download your contacts from your phone to your car. Wait while the information downloads and then exit the Bluetooth programming mode by turning off your car and exiting the vehicle. Each time you enter your car your phone automatically connects to the vehicle unless you specify otherwise.

How to Send a Free Voice SMS to Mobiles

1. Navigate to the 'Send messages' menu on your phone. This menu may be in a different place depending the type of phone you have. Consult your manual if you don't know how to get there.
2. Click 'Send message' and scroll down to 'SMS Voice Message.' Make sure the sound you want to record is prepared before you actually click.
3. Click the 'SMS Voice' button and hold the speaker in the direction of the sound. Push 'end' when you are done recording. It will give you approximately two minutes of time.
4. Click 'Send' and wait for your phone to say that sending is complete.