Tuesday, April 1, 2014
How to Send SMS Using Java
1. Download Mail.jar and Activation.jar (see Resources for links) and save to the Java library directory on your computer's local drive.
2. Start a new Java class in your Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and name it 'MyMobileJava.java'.
3. Enter the following Java libraries at the start of your Java class. These libraries include the required Java Mail and Communications API resources and other supporting Input/Output and Internet class libraries for sending SMS text messages.import java.io.*;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Date;
import javax.mail.*;
import javax.mail.internet.*;
import javax.activation.*;
4. Place the following Java code after the library import statements in order to instantiate the Java class and assign values for the default SMS text messages.public class SMTPSend {public SMTPSend() {
}public void msgsend() {
String username = 'MySMSUsername';
String password = 'MyPassword';
String smtphost = 'MySMSHost.com';
String compression = 'My SMS Compression Information';
String from = 'mySMSUsername@MySMSHost.com';
String to = 'PhoneNumberToText@sms.MySMSHost.com';
String body = 'Hello SMS World!';
Transport myTransport = null;
5. Create Java code to create a new communications session that will then be used to configure the information contained within a text message. This information will then be prepared to be sent. Enter the following Java code in your Java class at the end of the code entered in step four.try {
Properties props = System.getProperties();
props.put('mail.smtp.auth', 'true');
Session mailSession = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
Message msg = new MimeMessage(mailSession);
msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
InternetAddress[] address = {new InternetAddress(to)};
msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, address);
msg.setSentDate(new Date());
6. Send the text message by connecting to your SMS host address, saving changes to the message, and then sending the information. To do this, enter the following Java code to finish the Java class.myTransport = mailSession.getTransport('smtp');
myTransport.connect(smtphost, username, password);
myTransport.sendMessage(msg, msg.getAllRecipients());
} catch (Exception e) {
}public static void main(String[] argv) {
SMTPSend smtpSend = new SMTPSend();
How to Get Free Ring Tones for Nextel Cell Phones
1. Create a file on your desktop or someplace where you will be able to easily locate it and label it for your downloads. This will allow you to add and remove ring tones from your phone with ease, without taking up too much memory space on the phone. Name it something easy like 'Ringtones.'
2. Go to mobile9.com and click on the 'Gallery' tab across the top of the page. This site is specific for the Nokia phone models, so all of the ring tones you download should be compatible with your phone. After clicking on 'Gallery,' you will be redirected to the 'Mobile Downloads' page.
3. Select your phone model from the drop-down menu in the highlighted blue tool bar and choose ring tones as the category. Then click 'Go.' You will be taken to a results page that is specific for your model phone.
4. Choose a category from the tag lines listed at the top of the page. There are thousands of results for each phone model, so choosing a tag will help you find what you are most interested in.
5. Click on the ring tone of your choice and wait for the page to load. Click on the preview box, to listen to a preview of your download, and then click on the large green download button on the right side of the page. Wait for the download to finish. It will automatically pop up and start playing in your default music player.
6. Plug your Nextel phone into your computer and then download it from your PC to your device's music file. This process will vary based on your model phone but should be very straightforward once the phone is hooked up. Let the download run and then unplug the phone and set the tone as your default. Now your tone will play every time someone calls.
Friday, March 28, 2014
How to Receive Send an SMS Text With Freeware
1. Open the email application of your choice and create a new email. In the 'TO' address bar input the 10-digit cellular phone number you wish to text. Follow that number with the wireless carrier email text code. For example, if you want to text a person on the Verizon network and their phone number is 555-123-4567 you would input 5551234567@vtext.com. Go to the Email Text Messages website for a full list of wireless carrier email text codes (see Resources). Compose and send your email. The provider will automatically convert it to a text message and send it to the mobile number you entered. When you get a reply, it will come in the form of an email in your inbox. This email will contain the return text. If you want to continue texting back and forth, simply replay to the received email.
2. Use a website like Txt2day or Text'em (see Resources). Just log on to the website, input the number you wish to send a text message to, select the phone number's carrier and type your message. If you want a return text, you must enter your email address. The recipient's text will be received in your email inbox.
3. Download a program for texting. Although many programs make you pay per text message, some free ones are out there. Downloading and installing a program like GoText will allow you to keep an address book of phone numbers in an application and text these numbers from a computer (see Resources). If you wish to receive a return text, you will have to input a valid email address. Your return text message will be received as an email in your inbox.
How to Call Your Phone for Free If You Misplace Your Cell Phone
1. Dial a phone number using EvaPhone's online service to make a phone call quickly and easily. EvaPhone doesn't require registration, but limits phone calls to five minutes per call and two calls per day. The website will make you watch a short advertisement before the call will be placed, but you don't have to download or install any third-party software to use EvaPhone.
2. Install iCall's desktop application or use the company's online dialer to make a free call. Adobe's Flash player plug-in is required to use the online dialer, and iCall limits free phone calls to three minutes. A five- to 10-second advertisement will play before you can make a phone call.
3. Register for a Google Voice account to make a free phone call. Google Voice doesn't limit the length of free phone calls within the United States or require you to watch an advertisement before you can make phone calls. After signing up, you can also use Google Voice's other free features, such as conference calling, Google phone numbers that ring all your phones, and voicemail transcription.
How to Send Romantic SMS
1. Become familiar with SMS language first. To send a romantic SMS, you must first know what it is you're sending. Know, for example, that “gr8” means “great” and “luv” means “love.” You must first know the language before you can send any SMS message.
2. Think about what you want to say before you attempt to send a message. Remember that all you're really doing is converting one language to another (even though both are technically English). Imagine that you're sending a regular message to your significant other and creating a romantic SMS should be a breeze.
3. Keep the actual message short. The “short” in SMS may refer to the shortening of words, but you should keep the message brief. A sentence in SMS language can be cute, but an entire paragraph full of “2mro,” “u” and “thx” can get very obnoxious in a hurry.
4. Use symbols to make the romantic SMS cute. You want the person on the receiving end of the message to chuckle and at the same time know what you're trying to say. Use “:)” to let the person know that she makes you smile. End the message with a “
How to Send a SMS to Metro PCS
1. Press the 'Menu' key on the mobile device, then select the 'Messaging' folder.
2. Select the option to create a new message.
3. Enter the recipient's Metro PCS mobile number in the 'Send To' field.
4. Enter the text in the body of the message, then press 'Send.'
5. Access your email account, then log in to the account. Select the option to create a new email message.
6. Enter the recipient's email address in the 'Send To' field. The email address is the recipient's Metro PCS number (at) mymetropcs.com. An example email address would be 9365555555@mymetropcs.com.
7. Enter a subject for the SMS message in the 'Subject' field.
8. Enter the text in the body of the email, then press 'Send.'
How to Send Apps to a Phone Via an SMS
1. Visit the website that owns the application that you want to send to your phone. For example, if you want to use Google services, visit Google.com/mobile or MSNBC.com to view news apps. In addition, you can visit Apniapps.com, Mobilehearts.com and Schnozberry.com to search and view a variety of free apps that can be sent to a phone via SMS, as well.
2. Navigate through the applications onto your find the one that you want to send to your phone. Select the option to send the link to your phone.
3. Enter your mobile phone number into the appropriate field. Read and agree to the terms and conditions (if applicable). Click 'Send' and wait for a text message to arrive to your phone.
4. Launch the 'Messaging' application on your phone and locate the SMS message that includes the link for the app.
5. Highlight the download link and press the 'OK' or 'Enter' key to start the download process. Save the app to your phone when prompted to do so. Repeat the previous steps to download additional apps to your phone.
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