Monday, April 7, 2014

How to Reinstall PC Suite Support for SMS and MMS

Reinstall PC Suite Support from a CD-ROM
1. Insert the installation disk into your computer's CD-ROM drive and select the installation option.
2. Choose your desired language and click 'OK' to launch the installation program.
3. Follow the onscreen instructions and prompts until the installation program has completed.
4. Select the connection types you want to use from the 'Get Connected' pop up window. Choose from USB cable, serial cable, infrared and bluetooth depending on how you want to connect your phone to the PC.
Reinstall PC Suite Support from the web
5. Open your web browser and navigate to the Nokia website (See resources section for a link.)
6. Click 'Support' from the tab running along the top of the Nokia homepage then choose 'Download Software' and select 'Nokia PC Suite.'
7. Select your phone model from the list given in the drop down menu. Choose your desired language from the menu that opens once you have selected your phone model and click 'Download.'
8. Click 'Open' or 'Run' to begin installing the PC Suite software.
9. Follow the onscreen instructions and hints to complete the installation process. Choose and apply the connection types you want to use when the 'Get Connected' window opens upon completion. Select from USB cable, serial cable, infrared and bluetooth depending on how you plan to connect your phone to your PC.

How to Backup a Cell Phone Contact List

U.S. Cellular
1. Go to U.S. Cellular's Easy Edge Shop on your mobile phone. Choose 'Free Download - My Contacts Backup' from the 'Free Stuff' section of the shop. Fill out the registration. Accept the terms of service and set up a PIN number.
2. Launch 'My Contacts Backup' on your mobile device. Select 'Set Up' and then 'Auto-Backup.' Select your preferred backup schedule either daily, weekly or monthly. Choose the specific time you would like the contacts to be backed up. Save the information and log out of the application.
3. Perform manual backups anytime by opening the application and selecting '(1) Backup' from the main menu.
4. Download the Mobile Backup application from AT&T by sending a text message from your cell phone to 386 with the letters 'MBU' in the body of the message. Follow the prompts to set up the application.
5. Schedule your auto-backups by choosing 'Setup' and then 'Auto-backup' from your phone's main menu. Select the frequency of your backup by choosing daily, weekly or monthly.
6. Manually backup your contacts at any time by launching the application and clicking on the 'Backup' button. Mobile Backup by AT&T costs $1.99 per month.
7. Activate Sprint Mobile Sync from your phone by clicking on 'Settings' and then 'Contacts' from the phone's main menu. Choose 'Mobile Sync' and then 'Activate.' Confirm your selection by pressing 'Yes.'
8. Point your computer's browser to Click on 'Manage My Device.' Create your username and password if you do not already have one. Log into your account and choose 'My Online Tools' from the top menu.
9. Click on 'Spring Mobile Sync' in the Communications Tools section. Manage your contacts from the list by adding, deleting or editing the information. Click 'Save.' Click 'Sync Now' to allow the information to be sent to your mobile device. Sprint Mobile Sync is free to customers who have a capable phone.
Verizon Wireless
10. Log into your account at Create an account if you do not already have one. Hover over the 'My Services' tab at the top of the page.
11. Scroll down and click on 'Backup Assistant.' Choose your device and follow the instructions as to how to set up the application.
12. Set up Backup Assistant on your phone and choose a PIN. Verizon will automatically sync your contacts whether you add them on your device or through your account online. Backup Assistant is a free service for capable Verizon phones.

How to Make an SMS Bot

1. Create a free account on IMified, an online software site that helps you create SMS bots which are automatically connected to multiple SMS networks, such as Jabber, Twitter and AIM.
2. Enter a URL where your bot's scripts will be located. This is a web address that you host on a third-party hosting service.
3. Open a basic text editor.
4. Type in a simple script to give your bot enough intelligence to respond to simple messages from SMS users. IMified offers many post variables that you can use for your scripts. For example, if you are scripting in PHP and want your bot to ask 'Hi, who is this?' type:
switch ($_REQUEST['step']) {
echo 'Hi, who is this?';
?>The first line begins the PHP script. The second line opens a statement that is executed only when the value matches the switch expression, in this case 'step.' Step is a variable that shows what step the SMS user is on; in other words, whether the user is messaging the bot for the first, second, third, and so on, time in the conversation. The third, fourth and fifth lines of code end the statement. Save your file with whatever name you wish.
5. Open your File Transfer Protocol (FTP) program, such as FileZilla or Transmit. These programs let you upload files to your hosted server. Acquire the name of your server and the password to it from your hosting service. Log in through your FTP. Upload the file you just saved to the URL you set in IMified.
6. Log in to an SMS program such as AIM. Search for your bot's user name, which you gave it when you set up your account on IMified. Type a message to your bot. Your bot responds with the message you gave it in the Switch statement.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

How to Download Ringtones to a Net10 Prepay Phone

Adding Ringtones to a Net10 Pre-pay Phone
1. With your phone fully charged, go to From the choices at the top of the website, select 'Buy Phones and More'. Run the cursor over this selection. When a drop down box appears, select 'Buy Ringtones'.
2. When this page opens, you will be asked to enter your phone's serial number and your cell phone number. To find your phone's serial number, on your phone go to the 'pre-paid' menu. Click OK. When the menu opens, scroll down to SIM serial number. This is your phone's serial number that you will enter. Your phone number can also be found under the 'pre-paid' menu if you do not know it.
3. Once you have entered your information, you can now browse through ringtones, graphics and games. Once you have selected your ringtone, a message will be sent to your cell phone. Once you open this message, you can select 'save', which will download the ringtone to your phone.
4. You can choose to pay for your ringtone by having minutes deducted from your airtime, or with your debit or credit card.

How to Find Someone With Just a Phone Number

1. *Reverse phone directory.
Go to a large search engine and search 'reverse phone number search', a bunch of free reverse phone directories will pop up. Most of these searches are free. Land-lines are the easiest to find.
2. *What if it is a cell number or unpublished?
If you do a search and the search comes back saying not listed or cell number, usually there is an option to due a paid public records search that will give you the information you are looking for. I have put a link to a site for you to use in resources.
3. *If it is a crank caller.
If the number you are trying to find is a crank caller and you can not find their information on your own, you can call the local police. They can find out who is calling and handle the situation.
4. *If you have a number calling you can not call back.
If a number has been calling you, but when you call back it will no connect, these are telemarketing numbers. Usually these are automated telemarketing lines. These numbers can also be difficult to dig up information on.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

How to Receive an SMS Using Visual Basic

1. Install SMSLibx, following the instructions with the install wizard. You can download SMSLibx online (see Resources).
2. Start your copy of Visual Basic to load the application. Click on 'Projects' from the main menu, then select 'References.' Locate 'SMSLibx' in the reference list and highlight it. Click 'OK.'
3. Make a Visual Basic declaration. This will be your SMS object. Once you have access to the declaration code editor, type the following:Public WithEvents Modem As SMSModem
4. Input the following code just under the code you typed out in Step 3. This will be the function that sends your messages. Type out:Private Sub nowSendSMSMessage(PhoneNumber, MessageText)' Open modem communicationSet Modem = New SMSModemModem.LogTrace = TrueModem.OpenComm ModemType, ModemPort, , smsNotifyAll' Send messageCall Modem.SendTextMessage(PhoneNumber, MessageText)End Sub
5. Input the following code just below the code added in Step 4. This will be the function to receive SMS messages. Type out:Private Sub nowRecieiveSMSMessage(Message As SMSLibX.SMSDeliver)MsgBox 'New message received from ' & Message.Originator & ':' _& vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Message.Body, _vbInformation, 'New message received'End Sub
6. Click on 'Project,' then select 'Save' from the menu bar to save your document. With the 'Save' window open, locate the 'Documents' directory, name the file 'Messenger.vbscript' and click 'Save.'
7. Click the Windows 'Start' menu in the lower left of your desktop, type 'CMD.exe' and press 'Enter' to open the Command Prompt in Windows Vista and later. In Windows XP and earlier, click 'Start,' click 'Run,' type 'CMD.exe' and press 'Enter.'
8. Type the following in the Command Prompt, then press 'Enter' to send a message:c:\Documents\Messenger.vbscript nowSendSMSMessage('the phone number', 'input the message you want to send here')
9. Receive messages by inputting the following text into the Command Prompt and pressing 'Enter':c:\Documents\Messenger.vbscript nowReceiveSMSMessage()This will let your computer wait for messages to come in.
10. Repeat Steps 8 and 9 to have a conversation.

Friday, April 4, 2014

iPhone Apps for Blocking Texts

Text-Blocking Limitations
The iPhone's OS is incapable of blocking unwanted text messages, and there are no text-blocking applications available from the iStore. AT&T sponsors a program called Smart Limits that gives you the ability to block specific numbers (primarily used for childproofing) but does not keep all text messages from reaching you, and it costs $5 a month as of October 2011.
Jailbreaking for Text Blocking
Jailbreaking your phone is necessary to have access to apps that block texts. In most cases, this involves a simple installation of jailbreaking software (such as Spirit) that modifies the iPhone's core OS. Jailbreaking opens up iPhone functionality, but it could void your Apple warranty, violate other provider terms or damage your phone.
Once your phone is jailbroken, acquire the iBlacklist app directly from the vendor site. This will install the free version of iBlacklist, which enables you to set up limited blacklists. The full version of the software must be purchased and costs around $12 as of October 2011. iBlacklist helps you manage blacklists for calls as well as text messages.
iClarified: Protect Your Secret Life
iClarified is a third-party software source that allows you to add PYSL (Protect Your Secret Life) to your iPhone. Once installed, PYSL allows you to create blacklists and whitelists to filter your text messages. It also enables you to password-protect text message strings so you can view them later in private.