Thursday, July 24, 2014

What Are the Differences Between Twitter SMS?

Although desktop software programs like Skype and Yahoo! Messenger are capable of sending SMS text messages to phones, you almost exclusively use a cellphone to send and receive text messages. On the other hand, it's possible to use Twitter not only from your laptop or desktop computer, but also on an Internet-ready mobile phone. If your phone doesn't have Internet, you can update your Twitter -- and view others' updates -- via SMS text message, an overlap between the two technologies.
Scope and Influence
One of Twitter's key features is the concept of 'Following' -- each user 'follows' other users and a certain number of other users, which may or may not be among those he or she follows, follow that user. As a result, each message a Twitter user sends out has the potential to reach hundreds or even thousands of users, depending on how many users follow him or her. SMS text messages, on the other hand, are generally sent from person-to-person.
Twitter and text messaging also differ in their intended purpose. While people send SMS text messages to one another mostly to privately communicate specific messages and feelings, Twitter has a wide range of applications. These include posting multimedia, advertising businesses and generating publicity. It's possible to send direct, private messages on Twitter, although this tool is arguably secondary to the main Twitter feed -- and the public tweets users post to it.
Although many cellphone plans these days include the option to add unlimited text messages for a fixed monthly fee, text messaging is, at its root, a service which incurs cost. Twitter, on the other hand, is completely free to use. If you do access Twitter from a cellphone that doesn't have Internet access, the tweets you send to Twitter via text may incur a charge or count against your monthly allotment if you haven't signed up for an unlimited plan.

How to Receive SMS Messages on a Computer

Chat Services
1. Log into your chat service, whether it's Gchat, MSN, Yahoo, AIM or any other.
2. Right-click the name of a friend you want to send SMS messages to, to open a new menu. If your buddy is not yet on your list, go to your Options menu and select 'Add to Buddy List,' 'Add New Buddy,' 'Invite Friend to Chat' or a similar option. Enter your name when prompted. Choose 'Save' to add that person to your buddy list menu, then right-click their newly-added name to bring up the new menu.
3. Look for an option that says 'Send SMS,' 'Send message to cell,' or 'Text Message (SMS),' and select that option. Enter their phone number when prompted, then type a message that says who you are in the box, since it won't automatically have your name. Hit 'Send.'
4. Wait for your friend to send you a message back. By sending them a message, you've given them a number that they can use to send a message to your computer.
5. Give your email address to the person you want to receive SMS messages from.
6. Instruct your friend to use your email address in place of your phone number when sending the SMS message.
7. Look for messages in your email inbox that are delivered from a phone number rather than from an email address.

How do I Send SMS on the Internet in Thailand?

1. Go to the website SMS Free 4 All (see Resources) and provide the recipient's cell phone number in the 'Send SMS to Number' field. Also, select the recipient's cell phone carrier from the drop-down list, for instance, AIS, Digital Phone or TA Orange.Write the message in the message box and type the security code in the respective field as shown in the image. Then click 'Submit' to send your free SMS.
2. Use the website Free SMS 2 Mobile (see Resources). When you go to the website, select 'Thailand' as the recipient country from the drop-down list. Then, enter the phone number and the message in the respective fields. When you're done, click 'Send.'
3. Use the website Send SMS Now (see Resources). When you go to the website, select Thailand as the recipient country from the list and provide the number in the next field. Then enter your name in the 'From' field and type the message. When done, click 'Send SMS.'

How to Develop a Free SMS Service

1. Go to the Google SMS Channels site and create your channel. Call it 'MyPersonalGroup.' Ignore the 'Data Source' option. On the option to 'Allow publishing by,' set it to 'Any subscriber,' and on the 'Who can subscribe' option, set it to 'By invitation only.'
2. Go to the 'invite others' option and select it so you can invite your friends.
3. Type an SMS message on your cell phone. Select 'Text Message' option and enter 'MyPersonalGroup,' 'Welcome To MyPersonalGroup' and the SMS channel '9860806060.'
4. Inform the users that you selected to respond to the message. They need to send an SMS message called 'MyPersonalGroup'' to 9860806060 and select 'Accept' to 9860806060 to accept the terms and conditions.
SMS GupShup
5. Sign up to SMS GupShup. (See Resources) On the website click 'Next' then click 'Get Started.' This starts the installation process.
6. Complete the installation on the next screen by typing the 'Mobile Number' the 'email address,' the 'Password.' Enter the 'passcode' and accept the terms and conditions.
7. Type the verification Code in SMS.
8. Create the Groupname by typing 'Create MyGroup to 567975.' Add your friends mobile numbers by typing 'Invite Friend1 mobile#, Friend2 mobile#, Friend3 mobile# to 567975.'
TextMarks SMS Messaging
9. Go to the TextMarks website (see resources) and click 'Choose Group Name' and type 'GroupName1.' The site service automatically creates the Group name or tell you it is taken. If it is OK, click 'Choose This Name.'
10. Type your email address, your user name and your phone number. Click the text box certifying that you are more than 13 years old. Click 'Create Account'
11. Go to your email account and confirm your TextMark Account Click to complete the registration.
12. Go to the Tour Tab on the website. Reserve you group name, type the name of your first group 'MyTextMarkFirstGroup.' This is the group keyword.Go to the 'Subscriber List' type the phone number of your friends. Your friends can join your group by texting 'MyTextMarkFirstGroup to 41411'

How to Unlock Nokia 5310 Free Solution

1. Type '*#06#' into your phone's keypad to get your 16-digit unique IMEI number. Make note of the number and set it aside momentarily.
2. Contact your service provider's tech-support department and request an unlock code. If they ask why, tell them that you're traveling overseas or that you plan on selling your phone. Be prepared to give them your IMEI number, mobile number and possibly your voice-mail password.
3. Turn off your phone and remove its SIM card. You can do this by sliding off your back cover, taking out the battery and sliding the SIM card out from underneath its latch. Turn the phone back on after your SIM card has been removed.
4. Type '#pw+unlock code+1#' into your keypad, where 'unlock code' represents the unlock code that you received from your service provider in an earlier step. To get the '+' symbol, tap the '*' button twice. To get the letter 'p,' tap the '*' button three times. To get the letter 'w,' tap the '*' button four times. A message will appear on your screen that says 'SIM Restriction Off,' confirming that the phone has been unlocked.

How to Send Receive Anonymous Text Messages

1. Use an online anonymous text messaging service like AnonText or TxtEmNow to begin sending your message. In the field for the recipient's cell phone number, enter the phone number with area code. Do not include dashes or hyphens between numbers.
2. Enter a name or an alias in the field for your name, or leave it blank if you wish to remain anonymous. You can choose to leave an e-mail address if you want the recipient to be able to contact you. Other fields may be available, including Subject, which you may fill in or leave blank. You may also be asked to indicate whether the recipient lives in the United States or Canada. Fill in any other desired fields.
3. Write your message in the 'Message' field. You will be limited to messages of 150 characters or less. Double-check the information you have entered, and click 'Submit' if you are satisfied with your message. Remember not to send threatening or abusive messages, as such messages are usually against the text message service's terms of service.

How to Send a Text to the Philippines

Sending Text Messages via a Mobile Phone
1. Type your text message on your phone.
2. Enter the number that you wish to send it to. Begin with +63 , the country code for the Philippines, and the cell phone number of the person you are sending the message to. For example, to send a text message to 9171234567 enter +639171234567 on your phone.
3. Press 'Send.'