Tuesday, July 15, 2014

How to Send Free Group Text Messages Alerts

1. Navitage to an online text service provider such as Yahoo Mobile, GMail or Group2Call. These services give you the option to send the messages from your phone or computer. Import your contacts by uploading them from your phone or entering each person's information in your address book under the service. Break them into groups and choose names for the groups. While you might not be charged to send the text messages, the recipient might be charged for receiving them.
2. Visit websites such as WhatsApp, GroupMe and textPlus. These are cross-platform mobile messaging providers that work on iPhones, BlackBerrys and Androids. They allow groups of friends to exchange text messages without having to pay their mobile providers. These services let you communicate privately or chat-room style to several people at a time. Your friends must use the same app, however. Download the app you decide you want to use and let your friends know you are on it so you can text them..
3. Send texts, photos, voice recordings or video to individuals or groups using Skype or CloudTalk. These applications are designed to use on your computer or with any smartphone. You can use their services for free up to a point. If you exceed the maximum amount of texts, you have to purchase the service. Download the application, then download all your contacts' information to start texting.
4. Small business owners can also send alerts or announcements to groups of customers through texting using free online services such as Swaggle or MobilizeUS. These services are free until you exceed the monthly limit of free texts. Then you must pay for the service. Create an account. Download your contacts' information, create groups and then text for free.

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