Monday, March 24, 2014

How to Send Free SMS of 140 Characters

1. Access a free online text messaging website., and are examples of free sites that offer at least 140 characters in a text message.
2. Fill in the site's form with the message recipient's cell phone number and cell phone provider and the text message. Some of the websites may ask for your email address, but it is optional.
3. Press 'Send Message' when complete. A Web page will load stating that your message was sent.

How to Remove a Phone Number From Free Listings

1. Call your local telephone service provider's customer service line. Local telephone service providers compile residential telephone numbers and add them to their White Pages telephone directories.
2. Inform the customer service representative that you would like an unlisted telephone number. Find out whether it is possible to change your current number to an unlisted one. Keep in mind, though, there is no way to remove your phone number from existing printed and released directories.
3. Order a new unlisted phone number from your telephone provider's customer service representative. Do this if you want to ensure that your telephone number never makes it onto a White Pages listing. Skip this step if you do not mind your phone number existing in previous listings.
4. Search for your phone number on Google's online free listing. Enter your telephone number in the Google search bar (see Resources). Click the 'Phonebook Results' link containing your telephone number and personal information. Click the 'Request to Have Your Name Removed From This List' link on the ensuing Web page. Complete the ensuing form.

How to Set Up a Free Phone Number

1. From the Google voice setup page, click on the blue 'Choose a number' button with your cursor, which is located within the 'Get a new Google number' box.
2. Type in your zip code as prompted by 'Search by area code or ZIP code.' You can also type in a key word or phrase (such as a city or preferred area code) in the field below, then click on the 'Search' button.
3. Click on your preferred number displayed in the 'Results for' section. If you are unsatisfied with the current selections, click on the blue link below to view more phone numbers. After you locate your preferred number, click on the 'Continue' button below.
4. Type in a four-digit personal identification number (PIN) as prompted. Retype your PIN to confirm and then check-mark the box with your cursor (which informs Google that you will agree to their terms and conditions). Then click on the 'Continue' button near the bottom.
5. Type in your home, mobile, or business phone number in the 'Phone Number' field. In the 'Phone Type' menu option, select whether the number is for a 'Home,' 'Work,' or 'Mobile' phone.
6. Click on the 'Call Me Now' button to have Google Voice call to verify that you are the owner of the number as entered. After receiving the call from Google Voice, type in the verification code using your dial pad, which will then activate your free phone number.
7. Click on the 'Finish' button with your cursor after you see the 'Congratulations!' box, then click on the blue 'Check your inbox' to configure your account.
8. Click on the 'Settings' link with your cursor, which is located in the top right of the screen. Next, click on the 'Voicemail & Text' tab to configure your voicemail settings.
9. Click on the 'Record New' link which is located in the 'Voicemail Greeting' section. Next, type in a name for your voicemail greeting in the 'Enter a greeting name' field, then click on the 'Ok' button.
10. Click on the 'Connect' button, which will prompt Google Voice to call your 'Work,' 'Home,' or 'Mobile' phone to create a personal voicemail greeting for your new free phone number.
11. Click on the 'Play' link with your cursor (which is located in the 'Voicemail Greeting' section) to listen to your new voicemail, or click on the 'Re-record' link to create a new voicemail greeting.After you are satisfied with the greeting, click on the 'Save Changes' button below to finish configuring your voicemail for your new number.

How to Send an SMS Using a GSM Modem

1. Place a valid GSM-compatible SIM card in your GSM modem. Connect the modem to your computer using a Bluetooth link or a USB cable.
2. Launch the program that came with your modem. Select the command prompt option.
3. Type 'AT' and press 'Enter.' The modem should respond with 'OK.' This means that the connection between your computer and the modem works fine.
4. Type 'AT+CMGF=1' and press 'Enter.' This will make the modem operate in the SMS text mode.
5. Type 'AT+CMGW='+0000000000' (the phone number of the recipient instead of zeros) and press 'Enter.' The '>' sign should appear, indicating that you can now type the message.
6. Type the message of your SMS. Then type '+CMGW: 1,' which indicates the location of the text message in the storage of the modem.
7. Type 'AT+CMSS=1.' This command sends the SMS from the modem's storage. The computer should return 'OK.'

How to Send a Free SMS to Nigeria

1. Go to a site that allows free texting. A few that you can use are, and Some sites require you to register. You will need to include your user name, password and email address. As of 2010, it is free to send your message with these sites.
2. Enter the phone number of the person you want to contact in Nigeria. Select the name of the cell phone service provider for the number you want to contact.
3. Type your message in the box provided (the number of characters allowed is usually 140). Click 'Send.'

Sunday, March 23, 2014

How to Send MMS From a PC to a Mobile

1. Go to a website that allows you to send MMS from the Web to cell phones (see Resources for links to some of these websites).
2. Click the 'Choose File' button on the Web page and upload a photo or an image from your computer to the website.
3. Enter the recipient's phone number and select his country or carrier from the list. Some websites ask you to select the recipient's destination from the map. Specify where you are sending the message.
4. Add an additional message, if you want, in the message box. For instance, add your name in the message so the recipient recognizes the message sender.
5. Click on 'Send MMS' or 'Send Picture Message.'

How to Send an SMS to a Cell Phone Through SMTP Mail

1. Construct your SMS message in the body of the email.
2. Place the appropriate cellular phone address into the 'To' window of the email application. Use one of the following formats: For T-Mobile:; Virgin Mobile:; and Verizon:; or seek the appropriate format from your cell phone provider. Replace 'cellnumber' with the actual cell phone's number.
3. Click 'Send' for the email message.