Sunday, April 14, 2013

How to authenticate unlimited Craigslist phone numbers for free

Make sure you're very comfortable with your smartphone, and have learned
to maneuver around the internet without a lot of hassle.
While out and about stop at a pay phone anywhere whether inside or out.
3. Identify the number associated with the phone, If the number is not indicated don't worry, either get to a different one that does, or suck it up and pay the .25 or .50 cents it takes to make the call to your phone where your caller ID will then provide it - some phones will even refund if you don't pick up!
Now that you have the number, get online and go through the process where it prompts you to where you need to type in a phone number for authentication and submit, but after you do, stay on craigs site as you will need to finalize the process in just a few minutes.
5. As you may already know, the way the system works is that Craigslist within a minute or two will call back the number you submitted - so be prepared to pick it up right away to get the authentication code they give you via their automated system.
6. Now that you have the code, get back onto Craigslist and and submit the code right away for final authentication so that you can start posting.
Keep in mind that once a number is used, you can not go back to that phone again, but pay phones are still prevalent out there especially at the larger Hotel chains, and Airports where they frequently will have several pay phones lined up one after another, but your local Walmart, or other large retail chains, as well as local gas stations, and
mini-marts are usually your best and most convenient locations - Good Luck !

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