Tuesday, June 17, 2014

How to Identify a Phone Number for Free

1. Enter the phone number into a reverse phone number search website. The owner's name and address may be available for free in one of these directories (see Resources). A reverse search works for most phone landline numbers, unless the number is an unlisted number.
2. Enter the phone number into a call tracking website. These sites provide a database of information compiled from other people who report receiving calls from the same number. Two of the most used sites are Who Calls Me and 800notes.com (see Resources). The amount of information available for a phone number varies.
3. Find information on the number's area code and three-digit prefix. Even if you can't get information on the specific phone number, you can still find its general place of origin through the area code and prefix. Many phone companies, like Verizon, offer free area code lookup (see Resources) that will give you the caller's state. Next, use a search engine like Google to look up the area code and prefix together in order to narrow down the location even further. For example, if the number is (708) 555-1212, search for '708-555.' The area code tells you that it's an Illinois number, and the prefix narrows down the exact city or town.
4. Call the number and ask the person who answers to give you the information. You may not even have to ask because if it's a business, the employee may answer the call with the business name. Use this direct method when you can't find the information through indirect means. For example, if you're getting repetitive calls or hang-ups, you are entitled to know who is harassing you.

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