Saturday, April 20, 2013

How to Negotiate Discounts With a Cell Phone Provider

1. Ask questions about ending your existing contract. If a cellular provider senses that you are willing to leave your current service, it will do its best to offer you incentives to stay. Customer service representatives are required to make the effort to keep you as a valuable customer. Speak to the representative about other cellular providers and their current offers to see if your current provider tries to match those offers as best as possible.
2. Advise the representative that you are trying to cut costs and may have to eliminate the cellular service altogether. Most cell phone providers offer a discount to your monthly services or features during your tough economic times. It may not be a large amount offered, so don't think that you will get free service each month if you throw a temper tantrum and threaten to cancel. You must have tact when describing the reason you are thinking about canceling your service.
3. Advise the representative of the current issues you are experiencing with your cellular phone. If the phone is outdated and you need to upgrade your phone, ask if there is an additional discount that can be offered. Representatives that inform you that they cannot offer an additional incentive may not have the authority to do so. In this case, ask politely to speak to a manager and explain to them the reason you are asking for the discount. If you have a good customer record with an expired service contract, they will be more willing to accommodate your needs.
4. Ask about refurbished phones. Most cellular providers will offer you a refurbished phone at a lower price. You will not have to cancel your service contract and you will not have to pay full price for a brand new phone. This is a great way to save plenty of cash. Although you may have gotten your original phone at a great introductory price, it will not remain at that price in the future.
5. Get the complete name and identification number of each representative you speak with. Verify with them that any offer that was made to you will be thoroughly notated in your account. The next representative may not be able to offer you the same incentive without that documentation. Even if you do not get the discount you think you deserve, do not yell or get upset with the representative. Although you did not get the discount at that moment, there is still a good chance you will be able to at a later date.

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