Sunday, March 10, 2013

How to Send an SMS to Multiple People

1. Download an application for multiple text recipients. Programs like Dubbed iSMS give you the opportunity to send a text message to multiple people. Check into the program's compatibility for different phones, including the Android and iPhone families of smart phones.
2. Launch the phone's installer to install iSMS from the 'Network' section.
3. Organize your messages. With iSMS, you're backlogged messages will be organized and accessible through the application. Tap the 'Message' button on the screen to access the names.
4. Create a text message. Compose your message in your phone's message application. There's a separate area to click on for 'Recipients.'
5. Send to multiple recipients. Tap your phone icon to add a recipient. Tap the appropriate button to add a recipient from the contact list. The search function will appear. Tap the 'Search' button and enter a name or phone number. A list of items related to your search will appear, followed by the date of any message that was sent or received.

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