Sunday, March 24, 2013

Tricks With SMS

Update Status on Multiple Social Networks
Use the services provided by Posterous, Ping and Hellotxt to update your social network status by text. To update plain text without other media, text 'Post + your message' to Posterous at 41411. For media-based updates, send a media message (MMS) with your photos, videos and other media to, which will update all your default networks. You can send an email by SMS by adding @ in the 'To:' textbox. With, post directly to a single network by using a message prefix as a trigger. For example, @fl accesses Flickr and @ma lets you update Mashable. Hellotxt is similar to Ping except that it uses hashcodes for service-specific posts.
Get Updates from Networks
Take advantage of Twitter to keep up with updates via SMS. Twitter gives you the option to follow updates by SMS, in addition to selecting which updates you will receive by text. You can choose which of the people you follow to receive updates from. If you only want to receive news updates on your phone from your preferred news sources on Twitter, choose to have their updates sent as texts. Another money-saving trick is to direct message friends from other countries through Twitter, which will save you long-distance SMS charges. In the case of Facebook, getting status updates from friends by SMS involves a one-click 'Subscribe via SMS' function.
Add Appointments to Google Calendar
Register your cell phone with Google Calendar to check your schedule by SMS. Go to the Settings page and Mobile Setup tab to link the calendar to your phone. Once you have set up the phone you can receive notifications of your calendar information by texting GVENT one of the following words: 'next,' for the next event, 'day,' for all events planned for the present day, 'nday' for events scheduled for the following day. To add events, text a message to GVENT with the details of the event you'd like to schedule. Google Calendar will decipher what you are talking about and update your calendar.
Track Expenses
Manage expenses through SMS with Buxter, where you can send short text messages to report transactions and check balances. Your command might read: 'Bill payment 812.14 acct:boa, amex', which might get the response: 'Transfer: You transferred $812.14 to pay your credit card bill.' You can send multiple reports and transactions by separating them by a semicolon or pressing 'Enter.'

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