Friday, April 11, 2014

How to Send Chinese SMS

1. Enable your phone for Chinese characters if you have not already done so. Go to your phone's 'Setting' menu and find the 'Languages' option. Select 'Chinese' from the menu. The phone will also give you an option for whether to use 'Traditional' or 'Simplified' characters. If you're sending the text message to someone living in Hong Kong or Taiwan, you'll want to use the former, whereas Mainland China and Singapore use the latter.
2. Specify which phonetic transcription you'd like to use. If you're using simplified characters, your only option will be 'Hanyu Pinyin.' For traditional characters, you'll want to select 'Cantonese pinyin' if your recipient lives in Hong Kong and Zhuyin or Bopomofo if she lives in Taiwan. Save your settings any exit out of set-up.
3. Create a new text message. If you're using an older phone, select the 'Options' menu and change the language to 'Chinese.' On touchscreen smartphones, you can change the keyboard right on the screen. Enter your Hanyu or Cantonese Pinyin or Zhuyin and select the correct character for each section of text, paying close attention that you get the right one. For example, the pinyin phrase 'shi hou' means 'time,' but if you choose the wrong character combination, it can means something like 'things after,' which borders on nonsense. Check your message for accuracy and click 'Send.'

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