Friday, May 23, 2014

How to Use Google SMS

1. Confirm that Google SMS will work with your mobile provider and that you have a text message plan. Google SMS works with most of the major nationwide providers, but only if you can send and receive texts. If you have service through a smaller, local company, you should contact your provider to be sure that SMS is supported.
2. Send your queries to code 466453. If you look at the numbers closely, you'll notice they spell the word 'Google.' Send the words 'Help Settings' as a message to see how you can personalize your Google SMS. It will provide you with a list of commands that can be used to set various defaults.
3. Set your location by typing 'Set Location [your zip code].' You can also see what the set location is or clear the saved location by sending 'View Location' or 'Clear Location.'
4. Use standard commands to get directions, view maps or see what movies are playing in your area. Simply type the keywords 'movies,' 'maps,' or 'directions' followed by your zip code or the address to which you wish to get directions and send it to Google SMS.
5. Check the weather by typing 'Weather' or 'w' and the name of the location for which you want the forecast.
6. Use Google SMS to check stocks, convert currency, translate words or make calculations. The keywords are 'Stock [stock symbol],' '[currency] in [currency]', 'translate [word] in [language]' and the standard calculation operators (+,-,*, / ).
7. Win bets and find answers to burning questions by performing a 'Q & A.' Simply type 'q&a' and then the information you want to learn. For example to know when Donald Trump was born, you'd type 'q&a donald trump birthday.'
8. Find other more obscure search terms on Google SMS' sample query sheet. It can be found on their website (see Resources).

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